Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog 1- Extra! Extra! Read All about It: My Top Five Sources of News

As a teenager in 2021, I am constantly bombarded with new information and news through technology. Whether it's one of my friends updating their status, Hollywood's "it couple" just broke up, or a global pandemic is shutting down public places across the world, all of this information has been at my fingertips my whole life. It is always a challenge to find trusted news sources because there is some sort of bias in each and every news platform. The true information and facts can be clouded by personal opinions and prejudice. I like to consort multiple news sources when reading about a controversial or political topic to try and get multiple sides to the story. 

I go to CNN to get insight on the more democratic or left-leaning view of current events. I am personally registered as unaffiliated when it comes to political party, so I like to read news stories from both sides of the spectrum to make sure I am educated enough on the topic to then form a well-rounded opinion on a controversial current event. I use the two sides of the spectrum to find my opinion of the truth. Even though CNN can be bias and sometimes unnecessarily brutal, I enjoy learning about the point of view of others. Although I can sometimes favor a certain side and resent the other, I always like to keep an open mind, never discounting a person or media site purely based on their seeming political party. 

Along with CNN, I also consult FOX News as the opposing point of view. FOX News is seen as the more  conservative or republican stance. I know (and am friends with) many people my age that only look to a singular news site that supports their beliefs and pays no attention to the other side, not even listening any of their argument, generalizing them all as "bad" people just because of their political stance. While I have found myself guilty of it as well, I try to fix my own prejudice by hearing another viewpoint through FOX News and listening to their side. While of course I disagree with some of the opinions, I am still hearing them out and allowing myself to acknowledge another angle. 

In 2021, many newspapers have gone out of business or are now completely digital. As an aspiring journalist who wants to work for a newspaper or magazine, I often turn to The New York Times, not only for news but for pleasure reading. The New York Times is a well known and trusted platform. Digital newspapers differ from regular news sources like CNN and FOX (discussed above) in the way that the readers can stray from reading the heavy and more serious news by visiting their more lighthearted sections such as food, travel, and style. While their political coverage does lean a little more to the left, and I do not always agree with all of their articles, it is the news site where I have found I agree and trust with a majority of the pieces. I strongly recommend reading digital newspapers to help save a somewhat dying industry that covers so many topics and categories, anyone could find something they are interested in reading. 

Upworthy is not as well known as the sites above, but it is definitely my favorite. Upworthy prides itself on covering happy and uplifting stories. Many news sources can focus on the negative things happening in our country and around the world, while I believe these stories are important and we should be educated on these topics, it can be good to take a break. News can sometimes be overwhelming, some sources would have you believe that there is nothing good happening in the world anymore. This is why I strongly recommend reading articles from Upworthy. They are always able to put a smile on my face because the articles are always so pure and heart warming, nothing controversial or opinion based, just good things happening in the world today. 

While it may not be the smartest idea or most reliable source, I do get a lot of my information and news from social media, mainly Instagram. However, I believe it is one of the best ways to get important, educational information about current events to people my age and younger. While some information posted is very controversial or completely distorting the facts of an event, social media platforms are a good way to reach millions of people easily. Many young people do not willingly seek out sources like CNN, FOX News, or ABC, but if a news story popped up on their Instagram feed or a friend posted something about it on their story, it could prompt them to read more about it. Social media has played a big part in getting people involved in social movements such as Black Lives Matter and the Me Too movement and has definitely kept people informed and connected during the time of the pandemic. 

Blog 15 - Technology: My Best Friend and My Worst Enemy

Walking around campus or even just sitting down anywhere and looking around, you will see almost all students using technology whether it...